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Our Next Laundry Love Event:

May 3rd 2022
Time and Place

Last Load is 12:15pm

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May 19th 2022
More Info

Last Load is 7:15pm

- Event information for our neighbors - 

Quarters, soap, and dryer sheets are provided for our neighbors

Each individual can wash 2 loads. Each family can wash 5 loads

(a family is defined as a parent/parents with children). A heaping laundry basket is about 2 loads of laundry. Load size will be determined by the Laundry Love coordinators. We also encourage you to bring your bedding which will not be included in the load limits. 


To participate, guests sign in starting 15min prior to event start time and the last sign in of the event will be 45min before event end time.

This event is on a first come, first serve basis. We hope to bless those truly in need, and will make our quarters stretch as far as we can.

Please remember you are attending at your own risk,

** if you are sick in any way please DO NOT attend this event.**
There will be extra cleaning throughout the event,

and hand sanitizing supplies available for use.

Please follow our event rules:
- No pre-loading machines
- No drugs, alcohol, or disruptive behavior
- Guests must remain present

Our Next Haircut Event:

Free haircuts for neighbors in need



This event is for families, adults, and children.


When: Next Date To Be Determined

Time: 1pm to 5pm

Where: Salon Fifty Four

154 North Broadway


Pre-registration is preferred. We will have some walk in appts available for those who need it. You will need to bring proof of need with you to the event. Proof of need can be a dated letter from badgercare, a dated letter from foodshare, or a referral from another agency you work with.


Please pre-register by calling 920-328-5087 or email 

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